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E-commerce helps precise poverty alleviation and demonstrates corporate social responsibility!


       The 19th National Congress has just concluded, and the report of the 19th National Congress has also become the focus of attention. The statement on poverty alleviation in the report highlights the Party's people-centered development thought, and contributes Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to solving human problems。在报告中,习总书记强调:We will resolutely win the battle against poverty。It is the solemn commitment of our Party to let the poor people and poor areas join the whole country in entering a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。It is necessary to mobilize the whole Party, the whole country and the whole society to adhere to the precision poverty alleviation and precision poverty alleviation, and ensure that by 2020, all impoverished counties under the current standards in China will remove their hats, and achieve real poverty and real poverty alleviation。

targeted poverty reduction

      To implement the spirit of the report to the 19th National Congress,We will resolutely win the battle against poverty,Also in order to help the broad masses of poor farmers to increase the direct income of agricultural products,Shandong Teyibao Internet Technology Co., Ltd. and Pingyin Deep Spring Network Technology Co., Ltd. visited Hongfanchi Town and Xiaoguan Village in Pingyin County on October 24 to investigate agricultural products and discuss cooperation with government officials and local farmers。

       Shandong Teyibao Internet Technology Co., Ltd. and Pingyin Deep Spring Network Technology Co., Ltd. rely on Jingdong Shandong Pavilion, Jingdong Pingyin Pavilion, Qilu agricultural specialty public service platform to integrate the advantages of Pingyin County sweet potato and purple potato resources,The development of e-commerce is deeply integrated with the promotion of farmers' income and prosperity,We will launch promotional activities on agricultural products and poverty alleviation through e-commerce。Relying on the strong technical support of the online shopping platform, it provides an online information service platform with the same height as the developed areas,Build a shopping sales platform,Rural characteristic resources will be promoted throughout the country,Increase sales of agricultural products and farmers' income,We will implement targeted poverty alleviation,Truly for farmers to solve the problem of difficult sales of agricultural products。

Hongfanchi town inspection

      In addition to helping precise poverty alleviation, Shandong Teyibao Internet Technology Co., Ltd. also highlights the social responsibility of the enterprise。As an old Chinese saying goes, "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.。This sentence is that everyone should have a sense of responsibility for the country and society。As a member of society, all actions should be responsible for the society and the country, which is the minimum principle of life。At the same time, a person should also be responsible for themselves, responsible for the family, responsible for the work, responsible for the enterprise, responsible for the society, and ultimately the enterprise should also be responsible for the society, thus forming the social responsibility of the enterprise。

      In the course of this field visit, we met the poor but simple villagers, saw their hard work in the fields, and also saw their joy when they sold the fruits of labor。A villager on the roadside uses a machine to slice small sweet potatoes that cannot be sold and then uses them as brewing materials at a very low price。Our company decided to purchase a large number of these small sweet potatoes, which are difficult to sell in the offline market, at standard prices, so that farmers can be rewarded for their hard work, effectively help them get out of poverty as soon as possible, and do their meager efforts to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities。

An investigation of agricultural products in town

      Carrying out targeted poverty alleviation through e-commerce is not only an important way to increase farmers' income, but also a great opportunity to promote and publicize high-quality agricultural products。The Huai-ji river basin gives birth to the Chinese civilization, and the source of mulberry farm crops is ecological nature。The fresh sweet potatoes produced in Ancheng town of Pingyin County of Jinan City have been famous since the Qing Dynasty, and it is said that Qianlong ordered the sweet potatoes from here to be sent as tribute to the Imperial Palace。Now, fresh sweet potato has become a pillar industry for local people to increase income and get rich。Ancheng town is located in the hilly area, there are suitable natural conditions for sweet potato growth, coupled with the effective breeding of local melon seedlings, the town's fresh sweet potato planting scale and influence continue to grow。Ancheng town was also awarded the title of "the first township of fresh sweet potato in China" by the China Sweet Potato Association。

      High quality fresh sweet potato contains rich starch, soluble sugar, amino acids, cellulose and minerals, and is very rich in nutrition。Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty said in "Compendium of Materia Medica" that sweet potato has the role of "tonifying deficiency, invigorating strength, invigorating spleen and stomach, and strengthening kidney Yin.。According to scientists, sweet potatoes also have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects。Not only the nutritional value is high, the taste of cooked sweet potato is soft, waxy, fragrant and sweet。The entrance is soft, like a feather scratching my heart;The waxy tip of the tongue, will be entangled lips and tongues;Natural aromas are nature's most alluring smells;Concentrated sweet from the essence of the sun and the moon, it is the sweetest milk that Mother Earth gives us。Sweet potatoes grown in a green environment can be said to be a natural delicacy given by nature, giving you a sweet and waxy experience, and eating healthy bite by bite。

Sweet potato planting site

       If you want to taste our high-quality and inexpensive natural agricultural products, and are happy to contribute to the poverty alleviation, please pay attention to our pre-sale activities!(Shandong Pavilion, Jingdong Chinese Specialty:
